There's nothing particularly special behind the making of a soap starting from a M&P base, but there is definitively a lot of fun!
I won't give you too many technical details about how to melt, colour and pour M&P soap bases (but if you'll ask you'll certainly have an answer ;-) ), but I'd rather share tips on how to prepare nice SOAP CURLS you can use to decorate your creation!
For this soap I've prepared two different kind of curls. For both kinds, I've initially melted, coloured and poured two small blocks of about 5x5x2 HxLxW cm.
For the big light purple curls I've used a potato peeler on the thinner edge of the soap block. Once you have peeled-off a ribbon of soap, you have to roll it with your fingers to make it became a perfect curl!
I've then laid down the curls in the bottom of the mould before pouring the first transparent soap layer.
For the small curls I've simply used an old (crafting-dedicated!) grater and grated the blue and white blocks on top of the soap mould soon after I've poured the last blue layer.

M&P blue soap: raspberry fragrance, dried cornflower petals and a lot of small and huge curls embeds!
More pics on my FB page!
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